Ethnographic Consulting

We are all making worlds, all the time

The more we can tune into that work, the more we can make those worlds livable, equitable and delicious.

Culture is undergoing a transition in eras, from a fully realized Consumer Culture to an emerging Meta Modern Culture that is fluid, hybrid, multi-threaded and data-based. Businesses need to define, integrate and lead this moment of big transformation.

Food Ethnographer delivers high-quality insights from our Deep Food Ecosystem for food system leaders.

We bring an outsider-insider perspective to help you see and feel more (differently), by bridging your business goals with evolving consumer appetites (needs, desires), troubles (ambiguities, anxieties) and dreams (aspirations, potential).

We’re in for the long haul. The more we become part of your team, the more we can learn together, and be in service to your higher intentions. That’s why we aim for retainers. We offer bite-sized projects to get to know one another.

Menu of Services:

Strategic Insights from our Deep Food Ecosystem. We‘re adding heat to business as usual. We draw from 20+ years of research-based consulting to see nodal interventions that drive change more efficiently. How do we get from here to there faster, with least friction, and greatest return on investment? By seeing trend lines, catching early signals and bending culture. Spicy is the sweet spot between discomfort and growth.

Organizational Insights applying cohort-based ethnography. We bring umami (the flavor of trust) to your company culture. Extraordinary output is a product of a well (functioning) culture, not just individual genius. The better you understand your workplace, the better positioned you are to create Well Culture that produces successful products in the marketplace. People crave work opportunities to contribute. It hurts not to be creative. Umami brings us all together and makes everything taste better.

Eater Insights by applying cultural frameworks to evolving appetites. All this change tastes a bit zesty, tart, like tangy kimchi. We tune out noise and turn up signals that align with your business outcomes, and help you meet your eaters where they are (going). If we know who they’re becoming, you’ll know what they’ll be eating. You might call it consumer research or user experience research. We call it world-making, or re-writing the menu. Things either ferment or compost depending on culture.

We believe that food can make and mend connections.